Where the Air is Better.
The easy answer is because most successful television journalists do have representation. There is a reason.

In today’s demanding work environments, the smart journalist engages a professional to handle the issues of job placement, advancement, coaching and contract negotiation. They recognize that even if they had these skills and industry contacts, they just don’t have the time to be successful in their work and represent themselves.

Further, often times we know the best jobs and get our clients in the room before the non-represented journalist learns the opportunities exist.
No. John Butte and Associates will use its best efforts and extensive contacts to find you the right opportunities and job interviews. JBA will help you mightily in resume development, resume tape production and interview preparations.
Sometimes not long at all. Other searches and placements can drag on. In today’s economy marked by consolidations, tight budgets and web development, it is difficult to predict.
Fees may vary according to the services provided and the phase of your career. Generally job fees are based on a percentage of your annual salary.
No you don’t pay first. Fees are payable to John Butte & Associates after it gets you a new job or at your choosing negotiates a new contract at your current place of employment.
Yes. Typically JBA will produce first demo at no charge. You may be charged for subsequent updates but never without your prior approval.
2124 W. 41st Street Cleveland, Ohio 44113

"Print reporters dispense information; tv reporters tell stories"